May 09 Update

Since I am under the gun on a tight deadline for my Dec 09 book, Soul of the Wildcat, updates for May will be very brief. I usually try and update once or twice a month, but the days are ticking away and I really need to get this book off my desk… I managed to get the monthly giveaway page done (by repeating last month’s giveaway :)), updated reviews on several book pages and did get a little done on the What I Like page…

Next month will be exciting, as I’ll be seeing the first reviews come in off the Men In Blue Antho, which will be out in late July. I’ll also be getting some author copies in, and I can’t wait to see how the book turned out. As for Soul of the Wildcat, I hear cover art is starting to come in for the Dec books and I hope to have something to post soon.

Meanwhile, there’s a few things brewing behind the scenes with other projects, and I hope to have some firm news to announce soon…